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Instructional Activities:
  • Myculinarylab Assignments:  See below
  • Assignments Due Friday January 5th by 2:20 pm.   
  • Read Chapter 28 
  • Chapter 28 Hors D'oeuvres and Canapes
  • Chapter 28-Quiz
  • Chapter 28-Test
  • Complete all Dynamic Study Modules, Learning Modules, Activities 1 & 2 and videos.

Unit Information:
  • PA Task 503 Demonstrate food presentation techniques, i.e. platters, bowls, and plates.
  • PA Task 505 Identify and prepare types of hors d'oeuvres, canapés, and appetizers.

  • PA Task 801 Demonstrate how to read and follow a standardized recipes within industry time limits.

  • PA Task 802 Demonstrate knowledge of measuring and portioning, in order to adjust quantities of ingredients, to produce varying yields with a recipe.

  • PA Task 803 Describe components of the recipes, such as yield, time, and nutrition fact.

  • PA Task 1604 Use and identify seasonings, herbs and condiments.

  • PA Task 1605 Test foods for proper seasoning by taste, smell, texture, and sight.


  • PA Task 2301 Describe the rules and responsibilities of personnel for dining service.

  • PA Task 2302 Describe the general rules of table settings and service.

  • PA Task 2304 Explain inter-relationships and work flow between dining room and kitchen operations.

  • PA 2306 Demonstrate an understanding of guest service and customer relations, including handling of difficult situations and accommodations for the disabled.

Goals & Objectives:​
  • Students will prepare a variety of hors d'oeuvres, canapés, and appetizers.
  • Students will use specific recipes on hors d'oeuvres, canapés, and appetizers and compare their recipes.
  • Students will discuss the key components that make a hors d'oeuvres, canapés, and appetizers.
  • Students will complete a poster board and analyze pictures of hors d'oeuvres, canapés, and appetizers.
  • Students will serve and taste hors d'oeuvres, canapés, and appetizers.
  • Students will wear Proper Dress Attire that is established in Culinary Level 2-3, see syllabus for more information.  
  • All students will follow rubrics and will be graded through Skill grades, Knowledge Grades and Work Ethic Grades.

Students will be assessed on a daily basis in three ways; Knowledge grade (30%), Skill grade (40%) and Work Ethic grade (30%).  

Copies of assessments will be reviewed with all students and explained fully.

Hard copies will be given to keep in your culinary binders.

Week Eight (Marking Period-2)

Hors d'oeuvres, Appetizers & Canapes

Hors d'oeuvres, Appetizers & Canapes

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