Culinary Arts

Instructional Activities:
Students will prepare a variety of cooking methods using a medley of vegetables then display them for an assessment.
Students will prepare a variety of stocks with the given recipes then will be assessed on the stock.
Students will be preparing an apple crostada recipe the be assessed using the rubric.
Students will be creating a complete dish using the recipes below, kitchen equipment, working safe and sanitary following the rubric for credit.
Unit Information:
PA-1604-Identify Spices, Learn the first 5 spices on the board
PA Task 1700 Prepare Stocks, Soups, and Sauces 1700-1706
PA Task 1202 Prepare vegetables by boiling, simmering, steaming, baking, sautéing, blanching, and grilling
PA Task 1203 List the factors to consider when preparing fruits and vegetables
PA Task 1204 Explain and describe the standards of quality for cooked vegetables
PA Task 1700 Prepare stocks and sauces
PA Task 1701 Identify, prepare and evaluate a variety of stocks
PA Task 1702 Identify, prepare and evaluate a variety of mother and small sauces
PA Task 1800 Identify prepare and cook meats
PA Task 1300 Prepare pasta and rice
PA Task 1906 Identify and prepare a variety of pies and tarts
PA Task 1907 Identify and prepare a variety of fillings and toppings for pastries and baked goods
Goals & Objectives:
Students will learn about OSHA and PPE to protect themselves in the Culinary Arts class and Lab area.
Students will wear Proper Dress Attire that is established in Culinary Level 2-3, see syllabus for more information.
Given factual information materials and visual aids students will successfully list the factors to consider when preparing fruits and vegetables and score 80% on the assessment
Students will be preparing given recipes below using the appropriate equipment and vegetables, and the recipe will be assessed using the rubric guidelines below. Students must have a 80-100% to pass the assessment.
Students will be creating a complete dish using the recipes below, kitchen equipment, working safe and sanitary following the rubric for credit.
Students will be preparing stocks and using the rubric for guidance.
Students will be preparing crust and filling using the skills rubric.
Students will be assessed on a daily basis in three ways; Knowledge grade (30%), Skill grade (40%) and Work Ethic grade (30%).
Copies of assessments will be reviewed with all students and explained fully.
Hard copies will be given to keep in your culinary binders.
Week Three (Marking Period-1)