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Instructional Activities:
  • Students will prepare a variety of cooking methods using a medley of vegetables then display them for an assessment. 

  • Students will prepare a variety of stocks with the given recipes then will be assessed on the stock.  

  • Students will be preparing an apple crostada recipe the be assessed using the rubric.

  • Students will be creating a complete dish using the recipes below, kitchen equipment, working safe and sanitary following the rubric for credit.

Unit Information:
  • PA-1604-Identify Spices, Learn the first 5 spices on the board
  • PA Task 1700 Prepare Stocks, Soups, and Sauces 1700-1706
  • PA Task 1202 Prepare vegetables by boiling, simmering, steaming, baking, sautéing, blanching, and grilling
  • PA Task 1203 List the factors to consider when preparing fruits and vegetables
  • PA Task 1204 Explain and describe the standards of quality for cooked vegetables
  • PA Task 1700 Prepare stocks and sauces
  • PA Task 1701 Identify, prepare and evaluate a variety of stocks
  • PA Task 1702 Identify, prepare and evaluate a variety of mother and small sauces
  • PA Task 1800 Identify prepare and cook meats
  • PA Task 1300 Prepare pasta and rice

  • PA Task 1906 Identify and prepare a variety of pies and tarts

  • PA Task 1907 Identify and prepare a variety of fillings and toppings for pastries and baked goods

Goals & Objectives:​
  • Students will learn about OSHA and PPE to protect themselves in the Culinary Arts class and Lab area.
  • Students will wear Proper Dress Attire that is established in Culinary Level 2-3, see syllabus for more information.  
  • Given factual information materials and visual aids students will successfully list the factors to consider when preparing fruits and vegetables and score 80% on the assessment
  • Students will be preparing given recipes below using the appropriate equipment and vegetables, and the recipe will be assessed using the rubric guidelines below.  Students must have a 80-100% to pass the assessment.
  • Students will be creating a complete dish using the recipes below, kitchen equipment, working safe and sanitary following the rubric for credit.
  • Students will be preparing stocks and using the rubric for guidance.
  • Students will be preparing crust and filling using the skills rubric.

Students will be assessed on a daily basis in three ways; Knowledge grade (30%), Skill grade (40%) and Work Ethic grade (30%).  

Copies of assessments will be reviewed with all students and explained fully.

Hard copies will be given to keep in your culinary binders.

Week Three (Marking Period-1)




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