Culinary Arts

Professional Portfolio
My professional portfolio is organized with a collection of documents and artifacts that showcase my skills, talents, and charts my professional growth. My website was designed not only as a education tool for my students but also to organize my full curriculum.
It also includes some of my professional experiences, accomplishments, education, interests, and professional goals and objectives.
Philosophy of Teaching
I believe that my mission as a teacher is to encourage positive learning, create a warm and trusting environment for all students, inspire my student’s passion for education, and deliver a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Brad Henry who was the 26th Governor of Oklahoma stated, “No one should teach who is not in love with teaching.” I agree fully with his statement, I love teaching and inspiring my students to achieve their dreams and goals. I also believe that learning can be fun and that students absorb more knowledge this way. I value the educational pedagogy; where I can incorporate a variety of teaching strategies that support consistent engagement, allow safe classroom environments, take in account student’s background, and respect the differences among all my students.
There are many principles that guide my career as a teacher and educator. I always envision great expectations for all of my students no matter what their upbringing entails, if they have disabilities, or if they endure academic challenges. I love finding out what drives my students and how I can assist them with setting their goals. I believe all my students have potential to do amazing things. I help my students discover and have a vision of what can be done with their own specific abilities. I believe in my students fully and encourage them on a daily basis so I can help them succeed. I try my hardest to pin point what my students are good at then tap into that knowledge to help them succeed in their own special way.
It is important for me to enhance positive contributions to my students to help their schools, family, friends, and communities. I encourage my students to get involved with the organization at our school that is called, “Skills USA.” At Skills USA my students are introduced to doing community service work, have the ability to meet new friends in other schools, and develop leadership skills. I find it’s best to encourage their families to be involved with some of the community service work. I like to find my students strengths so they can use them to help others and contribute to greater causes. I feel it is my responsibility to create opportunities for my students to reach out and make a difference in others’ lives.
At the beginning of the school year I give my students several different types of surveys for identifying their strengths, weaknesses and learning styles. This allows me to build upon their individual strengths, address their weaknesses and pair my students through individual learning styles so they can learn off each other. Through assessments, teaching, and designing learning activities I am able to identify my student’s greatest talents and build on their strengths.
I believe that we all control our own destiny and becoming self-determined is having a mixture of abilities which requires an attitude of believing that you can set goals and reach them. I allow my students to direct their own lives by peaking their interest in learning, placing value on their education, and giving them confidence in their own capabilities and characteristics. It means making your own choices, learning to effectively solve problems, and taking control and responsibility for one's life.
In all walks of life making connections and having the ability to expand relationships are critical part of having a good quality of life. I explain to my students that we all have different personalities, some people are outgoing and some are introverted, but we all have to respect each other’s differences and build relationships. By doing this it helps me to expand my relationships by learning how to manage my emotions and find delight in everyone I meet.
I believe that ensuring full citizenship is a key value and all people are entitled to participate fully in American life. I instill to my students that all people have the rights and responsibilities that are necessary for diverse populations to live together and get along. All of my students are given the opportunity for full participation in all aspects of school regardless of ability, culture, age, religion, socioeconomic status, and gender.
The two main characteristics that guide my teaching are respecting my students and being warm and caring. In my classroom I value my student’s opinions and ideas. I allow my students to make choices, and I am equally fair to all students. My students feel comfortable when they express their feelings and listen to others. I believe I create a welcoming learning environment; I am approachable at all times, I possess good listen skills and take time for any student who needs my assistance.
I feel organization is crucial to being an effective teacher and it is one of my key values. Planning is a major part of my position so my students are always actively learning. My students take an active part in doing team building activities, and creating motivational posters that are then placed in our classroom. This allows my students to feel it is their classroom, rather than just mine. Creating a warm environment allows my students to take ownership in the classroom and allows them to achieve more.
Another one of my values that is extremely important to me is being patient with my students. In my first year of teaching a guidance counselor gave me a great piece of advice; he mentioned that if I view students like they were like an extension of my own children, I would become a great teacher. That statement made a huge impact on me. I realize that all of my students need me in more ways than just teaching. They need me to be patience with them through their own daily trials and tribulations. Doing this on a daily basis allows my students to trust me so they have the ability to communicate freely and know that I will respond to their educational and emotional needs. Rita Pierson states, “Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” This quote exemplifies how I feel about teaching.