Culinary Arts

Instructional Activities:
Myculinarylab Assignments: See below
Read Chapter 3---Menu's and Recipes
Complete all assignments issued on my culinary lab, Dynamic Study Module, Learning Modules, and Quiz
Seniors need to take the quiz and test and score at least 80% or you will need to complete all the modules and activities assignments.
All Students will complete the worksheet on Menu's and Recipes in class.
Students will complete the assignment on inspections and have a class discussion on the findings for credit.
Unit Information:
PA Task 205 Demonstrate precautions to follow when handling blood borne pathogens (ECP).
PA Task 207 Describe cross-contamination and acceptable procedures to follow when preparing and storing for temperature control safety (TCS) of foods.
PA Task 208 Identify the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) during all food handling processes as a method for minimizing the risk of food borne illness.
PA Task 209 Describe laws and rules of the regulatory agencies governing sanitation and safety in food service operations.
PA Task 1201 Identify market forms of vegetables.
PA Task 1300 Prepare pasta and rice
PA Task 1800 Identify prepare Pork and Poultry
PA Task 1401 Identify and categorize, based on texture, various classes of cheese.
PA Task 1404 Identify and prepare foods using cheese as main ingredient such as dressings, platters, spreads, and fillings.
PA Task 1405 Slice, grate, and cube cheese.
Goals & Objectives:
Students will learn and must follow all Safety Procedures in the Culinary Arts class and Lab area.
All Culinary Procedures of Culinary Arts Level 2-3 will be reviewed and must be followed for safety reasons.
Students will wear Proper Dress Attire that is established in Culinary Level 2-3, see syllabus for more information.
All students will learn and comprehend rubrics and how they are graded through Skill grades, Knowledge Grades and Work Ethic Grades.
Students will be assessed on a daily basis in three ways; Knowledge grade (30%), Skill grade (40%) and Work Ethic grade (30%).
Copies of assessments will be reviewed with all students and explained fully.
Hard copies will be given to keep in your culinary binders.
Week Five (Marking Period-1)
Menu's and Recipes