Culinary Arts

Instructional Activities: Complete in theory class or at home.
Complete the Beef Primal Cuts Worksheet & Complete the Beef Cooking Methods Worksheet in theory class or for homework. Due on Friday at the end of class.
All students will complete the food labels together in groups on esysco market by looking up specific prices.
Myculinarylab Assignments: See below
Read Chapter 12 Principles of Meat & Chapter 13 Beef
(Prior to completing Assignments)
Complete all dynamic study modules, study modules and learning modules. Then complete quizzes and tests.
Chapter 12-Quiz
Chapter 12-Test
Chapter 13-Quiz
Chapter 13-Test
Unit Information:
PA Task-1801 Identify primal, sub-primal and retail cuts and their sources.
PA Task-1803 Identify factors affecting the cooking of beef, veal, pork, poultry, and seafood.
PA Task-1804 Prepare meat, poultry, and seafood recipes using dry, moist, and combination cooking techniques.
PA 1805-Demonstrate methods for checking degrees of doneness.
Goals & Objectives:
Students will be introduced to beef primal cuts and be able to identify them with proficiency.
Students will discuss retail cuts of beef and how they are marketed.
Students will be learn how types of beef are sold and the cost per pound.
Student will prepare several types of beef cuts and identify factors in cooking them.
Students will be introduced to the new winter menu and will review new par sheets
Students will perform Front of the house operations in the student restaurant.
Students will perform duties of a host/hostess., a beverage person
Students will perform duties as a cashier to include register operations, record keeping and reconcile cash accounts.
Students will perform duties in garde manger station attendant, bus person and food runner.
Students will wear Proper Dress Attire that is established in Culinary Level 2-3, see syllabus for more information.
All students will follow rubrics and will be graded through Skill grades, Knowledge Grades and Work Ethic Grades.
Students will be assessed on a daily basis in three ways; Knowledge grade (30%), Skill grade (40%) and Work Ethic grade (30%).
Copies of assessments will be reviewed with all students and explained fully.
Hard copies will be given to keep in your culinary binders.
Week Four (Marking Period-2)
Principles of Meat Cookery & Beef

Principles of Meat Cookery