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  Week Eight (Marking Period-1)

Cooking Methods, Dairy & Cheese

Unit Information:

  • PA Task 2001 Plan and design a menu based upon customer and management needs.

  • PA Task 2002 List the methods to use for giving variety to a menu.

  • PA Task 2003 List the reasons for costing recipes.

  • PA Task 2004 Plan, prepare, produce, and serve a complete menu based on customer and management needs.

  • PA Task 2201 Identify and describe various types of service used in restaurants.

  • PA Task 2203 Describe duties of a host/hostess.

  • PA Task 2204 Describe duties of a beverage person.

  • PA Task 2205 Describe duties as a cashier to include register operations, record keeping and reconcile cash accounts.

  • PA Task 2206 Describe duties of a salad bar attendant.

  • PA Task 2207 Describe duties of a bus person and food runner.

  • PA Task 2208 Describe sidework duties.


  • PA Task 2301 Describe the rules and responsibilities of personnel for dining service.

  • PA Task 2302 Describe the general rules of table settings and service.

  • PA Task 2304 Explain inter-relationships and work flow between dining room and kitchen operations.

  • PA 2306 Demonstrate an understanding of guest service and customer relations, including handling of difficult situations and accommodations for the disabled.

Goals & Objectives:​
  • Students will prepare the restaurant fall menu items and use appropriate plate presentation into account.
  • Students will learn and to perform Front of the house operations in the student restaurant.
  • Students will be able to identify and describe various types of service used in restaurants
  • Students will describe duties of a host/hostess., a beverage person
  • Students will describe duties as a cashier to include register operations, record keeping and reconcile cash accounts.
  • Students will describe duties of a salad bar attendant, bus person and food runner.
  • Students will describe side work duties.

  • Students will describe rules, responsible of table setting and service.

  • Students will explain the relationships and work flow for the dining room and kitchen.

  • Students will wear Proper Dress Attire that is established in Culinary Level 2-3, see syllabus for more information.  
  • All students will follow rubrics and will be graded through Skill grades, Knowledge Grades and Work Ethic Grades.
Instructional Activities:
  • Myculinarylab Assignments:  See below
  • Chapter 9-Principles of Cooking and Chapter 7-Dairy Products
  • Read Chapters fully & Complete Activity, and Quiz.  
  • Kitchen Assignments
  • Students will be reviewing, prepping and preparing the Fall Restaurant menu using the Par Sheets, Recipes and Rubrics. 
  • Students will be rotating in specific stations and completing the daily tasks for those particular stations. 
  • Students will setting up the student restaurant for service. 


Students will be assessed on a daily basis in three ways; Knowledge grade (30%), Skill grade (40%) and Work Ethic grade (30%).  

Copies of assessments will be reviewed with all students and explained fully.

Hard copies will be given to keep in your culinary binders.

Cooking Methods 

Dairy Products


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