Culinary Arts

Danielson Domain I-Planning and Preparation
I developed a class website so I could have all of my curriculum online as well as class information for my students and parents. Weekly lessons are located under Marking Periods. I also have a digital textbook by Pearson, which is called "On Cooking." There are online tutorials, video's, power points, activities, learning modules, quizzes and tests.
The web site is: http://mwheeler84.wixsite.com/cmthsculinary2
Domain I: The teacher designs instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment.
A. Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy
The teacher demonstrates knowledge of the content and of the structure of the discipline, knowledge of prerequisite relationships, and common student misconceptions.
B. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
The teacher demonstrates familiarity with individual students' backgrounds, cultures, skills, language proficiency, interests, and special needs.
C. Setting Instructional Outcomes: The teacher's instructional purpose is clear, reflecting rigorous learning and curriculum standards. Different types of content are represented.
D. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources: The teacher makes use of a variety of resources for the classroom to extend content knowledge for students.
E. Designing Coherent Instruction: Plans represent in-depth content knowledge, understanding of different students’ needs, and available resources (including technology), resulting in a series of learning activities designed to engage students in high-level cognitive activity. Learning activities are differentiated appropriately for individual learners. Instructional groups are varied appropriately with some opportunity for student choice.
F. Designing Student Assessments: The Teacher’s plan for student assessment is fully aligned with the instructional outcomes and has clear criteria and standards that show evidence of student contribution to their development.
Evidence: Using the indicators below, include a brief explanation explaining how you reach each part of domain 1 with hard evidence (student work, teacher lesson plans, learning guides, handouts, projects, pictures ect.)
Temple Standard(s): Provide an explanation of which Temple Standard(s) is used within this domain. Attach the IPA that covers that standard.